Lithuanian people and Lithuanian government are warmly welcoming Ukrainian refugees and keep supporting Ukraine in the fight against russian violence. We are profoundly grateful for that. The understanding and compassion of Lithuanians, the willingness to help means a world to us.
Most of the Ukrainian refugees in Lithuania are settled in major cities, but about 50 families found a place to leave in Neringa.
Neringa is a luxurious resort and a National park - an amazing place to visit and quite a difficult place to live. There is almost no job during off-season, but in summer it's overloaded by hotels and restaurants. There is no place to buy shoes or a simple mobile phone, but there is a great selection of wines in a local supermarket and wine shops. There is plenty of wonderful things to tell about Neringa, but it takes time to learn how to live here.
Summer 2022 was rough: constant flow of horrible news contrasting with sun, sea and peaceful landscape that we couldn't comprehend, constant flow of big and small problems that we didn't know how to solve, low paid insecure jobs, fear to earn not enough money for winter, no free time, no future horizon and painful isolation from friends and family.
When summer was over, we realised that we need to solve our problems collectively, that we should build a stronger community, overcome the isolation, help each other better integrate into the Lithuanian society, know and protect our rights and find meaningful activities.
Thus, with help of May 1st labor union we formed an Association of Ukrainians in Neringa. We try to find the ways how not only to survive, but also how to live fully, develop and resist the destructive circumstances.
Our main activities:
- organization of weekly meetings for Ukrainians living in Neringa: discussions of common problems, experience exchange, building connections and community
- seeking solutions for problems related to accommodation, employment and transport
- organization of educational and entertaining events for adults, adolescents and children: language courses, creative workshops, celebrations etc.
- fostering and developing cultural connections of the Neringa Ukrainian community with Lithuanian society: organization of the trips to various regions of Lithuania, collaboration with cultural institutions and initiatives
- organization of fundraising events for the needs of the Ukrainian community in Neringa.
If you feel that you'd like to support our initiative, we are deeply grateful for that and we promise to find the best way to spend your contribution for the needs of Ukrainians living in Neringa.