ERDVE - an experimental music outfit from Vilnius, Lithuania. Creating heavy sounds with raw expression, volatility and visual direction. The band is working on multiple releases with a strong emphasis on creative productivity and plans for artistic expansion within fields of film, events and experimentation.
Instructions for ERDVE live @ Lukiškės Prison - Premiere Streaming (Feb 27th - 17:00 EET):
In order to view the show on the designated time all you have to do is click on ,,Purchase this post'' below. You are welcome to purchase the event access any time before and during the event and tune in on the time of streaming. The post and live recording will be available for 24 hours from Feb 27th 17:00 EET until Feb 28th - 17:00 EET. You can also submit tips on the platform if you want to provide additional support, but please note that tips do not unlock the content, you have to purchase an individual post to be able to view the event.
Instrukcijos kaip pamatyti koncerto įrašą renginio dieną:
Ant žemiau esančio įrašo paspauskite ,,Pirkti šį įrašą'' ir prisijunkite prie platformos renginio laiku. Koncerto įrašas ir postas bus prieinamas 24 valandas nuo nurodytos renginio pradžios (nuo Vasario 27d. 17:00 iki Vasario 28d. 17:00) . Taip pat platforma suteikia galimybę suteikti vienkartinę paramą (TIPS) tačiau turėkite omenyje, kad tai neatrakina turinio, norintys pamatyti koncertą turite nusipirkti individualų įrašą žemiau.
read more2021-02-10 13:24