
Pagalba Bonai

Reikalinga parama Bonos gydymui po insulto. Bona jau sena (13 metų), norisi palengvinti mūsų mylimai kalytei senatvę o ne užmigdyti. Veterinarams dažnai pritrūksta pinigėlių kai sveikata pablogėja...


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About me

Šiuo metu Bona šiek tiek atsigavusi po lašelinių kurso (po insulto buvo sutrikusi kordinacija, liko šiek tiek pakreipta į šoną galva ir dar kartais truputį pamėto į šonus) , tačiau dabar atsirado kitos bėdos.. Nugaroje atsivėrė žaizda, vėl turime vežti pas veterinarus. Šuns gydymas nėra pigus, tad jei bent kažkiek galėtumėte prisidėti prie Bonos vizitų pas veterinarus būčiau labai dėkinga. O ir maistelį galima būtų nupirkti brangesnį (geriau valgo koncervus, šiuo metu maišome su sausu maistu nes vien koncervams taip pat neužtenka pinigų). Būsime dėkingi net už menkiausią pagalbą. Nenorime užmigdyti savo šuns ir pasirinkti paprasčiausio kelio kol dar gydymas vis padeda ir ji atsigauna.. 


Support is needed for our dog Bona.
I'm kindly asking for your support for our dog Bona. She's 13 years old and recently had a stroke. We managed to get the treatment for her. She wasn't as strong as she used to be, but she still looked happy and pretty healthy. Unfortunately things started to get worse again, as a new wound ( not sure what could it be) opened up on her back, so we have to take her back to the vet.
I would really like for her to stay around ( without suffering of course) for as long as possible, since she made our lives really joyful just by being around. 
We really don't want to put her down without getting her the help and treatment she deserves. But the veterinarian services are pretty expensive and I just don't think I'll be able to keep up with the bills. Please don't hesitate to donate if you want her to have a happy retirement just as much as I do. I'll be posting pictures and updates if you would like to see her road of recovery.
Any help is highly appreciated. Every little helps :)
Thank you for your kindness!
P.S. I don't really speak or understand much in English. I just managed to get this text translated hoping more people would be able see it. So the updates will be in my native   language Lithuanian.

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